Pug Standard FCI:

FCI-Standard N° 253 / 11. 05. 1998 /
PATRONAGE : Great Britain.
UTILIZATION : Companion.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 9 Companion and Toy Dogs. Section 11 Small Molossian type Dogs. Without working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Decidedly square and cobby, it is « multum in parvo » shown in compactness of form, well knit proportions and hardness of muscle.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Great charm, dignity and intelligence. Even-tempered, happy and lively disposition. HEAD : Large, round, not apple-headed.
CRANIAL REGION : Skull : With no indentation. Wrinkles clearly defined.
FACIAL REGION : Muzzle : Short, blunt, square, not upfaced. Jaws/Teeth : Slightly undershot. Wry mouth, teeth or tongue showing all highly undesirable. Wide lower jaw with incisors almost in a straight line. Eyes : Dark, very large, globular in shape, soft and solicitous in expression, very lustrous, and when excited, full of fire. Ears : Thin, small, soft like black velvet. Two kinds – « Rose ear » – small drop ear which folds over and back to reveal the burr. « Button ear » – ear flap folding forward, tip lying close to skull to cover orifice, and pointing toward eye. Preference given to latter.
NECK : Slightly arched to resemble a crest, strong, thick with enough length to carry head proudly.
BODY : Short and cobby. Back : Topline level, neither roached nor dipping. Chest : Wide in chest and well ribbed.
TAIL : High set, curled as tightly as possible over hip. Double curl highly desirable.

Pug head

LIMBS FOREQUARTERS : Legs very strong, straight, of moderate length, and well under body. Shoulders : Well sloped.
HINDQUARTERS : Legs very strong, of moderate length, well under body, straight and parallel when viewed from rear. Stifles : With good turn of stifles. FEET : Neither so long as the foot of the hare, nor so round as that of the cat; well split toes; the nails black.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Viewed from in front should rise and fall with legs well under shoulder, feet keeping directly to front, not turning in or out. From behind action just as true. Using forelegs strongly putting them well forward with hindlegs moving freely and using stifles well. A slight roll of hindquarters typifies gait.
COAT : Fine, smooth, soft, short and glossy, neither harsh nor woolly.
COLOUR : Silver, apricot, fawn or black. Each clearly defined, to make contrast complete between colour, trace (black line extending from occiput to twist) and mask. Markings clearly defined. Muzzle or mask, ears, moles on cheeks, thumb mark or diamond on forehead and trace as black as possible.
WEIGHT : Ideal weight 6.3 – 8.1 kgs (14 – 18 lbs).
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Pug standard AKC:

General Appearance : Symmetry and general appearance are decidedly square and cobby. A lean, leggy Pug and a dog with short legs and a long body are equally objectionable.
Size, Proportion, Substance : The Pug should be multum in parvo , and this condensation (if the word may be used) is shown by compactness of form, well knit proportions, and hardness of developed muscle.
Weight from 14 to 18 pounds (dog or bitch) desirable.
Proportion square.
Head : The head is large, massive, round – not apple – headed, with no indentation of the skull . The eyes are dark in color, very large, bold and prominent, globular in shape, soft and solicit ous in expression , very lustrous, and, when excited, full of fire. The ears are thin, small, soft, like bl ack velvet. There are two kinds – the “rose” and the “button.” Preference is given to the latter. The wrinkles are large and deep. The muzzle is short, blunt, square, but not upfaced.
Bite – A Pug’s bite should be very slightly undershot.
Neck, Topline, Body : The neck is slightly arched. It is strong, thick, and with enough length to carry the head proudly. The short back is level from the withers to the high tail set. The body is short and cobby, wide in chest and well ribbed up. The tail is curled as tightly as possible over the hip. The double curl is perfection.

Forequarters : The legs are very strong, straight, of moderate length, and are set well under. The elbows should be directly under the withers when viewed from the side. The shoulders are moderately laid back. The pasterns are strong, neither steep nor down. The feet are neither so long as the foot of the hare, nor so round as that of the cat; well split – up toes, and the nails black. Dewclaws are generally removed.
Hindquarters : The strong, powerful hindquarters have moderate bend of stifle and short hocks perpendicul ar to the ground. The legs are parallel when viewed from behind. The hindquarters are in balance with the forequarters. The thighs and buttocks are full and muscular. Feet as in front.
Coat: The coat is fine, smooth, soft, short and glossy, neither hard no r woolly.
Color: The colors are fawn or black. The fawn color should be decided so as to make the contrast complete between the color and the trace and mask. Markings : The markings are clearly defined. The muzzle or mask, ears, moles on cheeks, thumb mark or diamond on forehead, and the back trace should be as black as possible. The mask should be black. The more intense and well defined it is, the better. The trace is a black line extending from the occiput to the tail.
Gait : Viewed from the front, the fo relegs should be carried well forward, showing no weakness in the pasterns, the paws landing squarely with the central toes straight ahead. The rear action should be strong and free through hocks and stifles, with no twisting or turning in or out at the jo ints. The hind legs should follow in line with the front. There is a slight natural convergence of the limbs both fore and aft. A slight roll of the hindquarters typifies the gait which should be free, self – assured, and jaunty.
Temperament : This is an even – tempered breed, exhibiting stability, playfulness, great charm, dignity, and an outgoing, loving disposition. Disqualification – Any color other than fawn or black .